Discover your village.
The village of Chiselborough is situated in South Somerset, 5 miles W of Yeovil and 3 miles N of Crewkerne. It lies in the shelter of five hills—Gawlers, Pease, Brympton, Pen and Balham. It is a small village with a population of 275 and has a traditional village pub, The Cat Head Inn, church and village hall. There are primary schools and a village shop in adjacent villages.
A welcome pack for new residents, prepared by CPC, is here
photograph by June and Tony Perry
The Skittle Alley at The Cat Head Inn, Chiselborough is re-opening on Saturday 22 March (Wed-Sun, 11-3). Please pop in and have a look—our stock changes regularly. Alongside our good antiques, grandfather clocks, and distinctive vintage mirrors, we are offering a new opportunity for local artists and craftspeople who would be interested in a month's residency this year: exhibiting work for sale, also potentially using the space as your studio and workshop. No commission on your sales! Contact Graham M: 07779 577619 E:
Chiselborough Creatives: Inspiring Workshops for All - We are excited to share our new annual programme of workshops and talks which will take place in Chiselborough Village Hall. These started in October 2024, and they will run monthly and offer a wide range of creative opportunities. Proceeds to go towards upgrading of the Hall. See the Diary page all the details about upcoming talks and workshops. —Kate, Helen and Deb
Chiselborough Common: It has been decided to hold regular working parties on the common on the last Saturday of the month. To keep interested parties in the picture we are setting up a WhatsApp Group. If anyone would like to be included could they text me their details to 07815 569815 —Jen
Chiselborough Yellow Book is a fascinating book about the history of village and its houses. The Somerset & S Avon Vernacular building research group has available additional copies of “Somerset villages, the houses, cottages and farms of Chiselborough”. This publication is known as the “Yellow Book” due to the colour of its cover. It is over 100 pages, detailing historical information about many of the houses and cottages, with floor plans and information of previous inhabitants. Cost £10 per copy. To aid logistics Fiona Wilson (Bridgestone House) is holding these copies. Anyone interested can contact Fiona on 07734495726, or by email or feel free to knock on the door!
Burridge Copse: A volunteer group, led by Graham Wheeler, has created a path to make Burridge Copse more accessible. Their aim was to provide improved, safe, access to the woodland for a broad range of abilities and interests within the community. Read all about it, including several ways to participate in future, and enjoy the photographs here.
Pot holes: A quick way to report these is on this website. Locate the area on the map, or use a postcode. Take a photo of the damage as this helps too. Fill in your details and send it in. It works well and is quick to use. They automatically send the report to the right department and council. You can also report other things like fly tipping and blocked drains. You'll know when they've inspected it, as they will mark the hole with spray paint - to save everyone reporting the same one. Happy Reporting ! —Paul
Fabulous Fingerposts: The village fingerposts have been repainted by a team of Chiselborough volunteers led by Ian Hodge. Enjoy the before/after photos here. —Martyn, CPC Clerk
Flora and Fauna: Join the brilliant Wild about Chiselborough Facebook group!
Norton Shop & Post Office: I’m CPC Representative on the Norton CLT Board. Although shop profitability is still challenging, the CLT Board is containing costs and increasing sales. Read here about the great services offered by the shop. —Brian Wickins
Need Urgent Help? : Our village has a Volunteer Emergency Telephone System (VETS). The emergency number is 01935 350835. Save this number on your mobile & near your landline set. Call if you need emergency help, or urgent help not requiring an ambulance, such as help to get up after a fall, or to fetch medication. See here for details.
Drones: CPC advise that if you have concerns about drones over your properties or over the village, you should phone the police on 101. Also see this bulletin from our Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator here
Village news by Email: There is an independently run village email newsletter in Chiselborough, which includes a wealth of practical, social and community information. If you would like to receive this, please call Alexandra on 881476.

Photograph by June & Tony Perry
“Chiselborough is special. It’s the friendliest village I’ve ever lived in. ”
— Village website survey comment July 2020