Working together towards
A Sustainable Chiselborough
South Somerset District Council is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and has recently published the SSDC Environment Strategy. A Somerset Climate Emergency Framework is also being produced. To encourage local initiatives, a network of Parish Environmental Champions (PECs) has been established. The Chiselborough Parish Environmental Champion is Nigel Stone, who can be contacted by email here. If you have an idea to improve our local environment, get in touch!
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability seeks to balance the demands of economic development, social equality and environmental protection in the best way to meet the needs of today and improve things for future generations. Nowhere is this more important than the battle against climate change and the race to Net Zero.
Sustainability Challenges in Somerset villages
Sustainable development policy for rural communities recognises the interdependence of rural and urban areas and envisages market towns as the focal point for services, employment and leisure supported by a web of villages that provide vibrant communities for both old and young within a living, working and protected environment. A well-integrated mix of good homes of different types and tenures is required to support a range of household sizes, ages and incomes. The provision of sustainable, flexible and affordable transport is important to meet the needs of all ages.
Chiselborough faces a number of sustainability challenges, particularly with regard to its population numbers and mix. It is a small village with a population of 275 in 130 households and the village population declined by 15% between 2001 and 2011. The village relies on nearby villages and towns for facilities like shops and schools. Our sustainability ambitions can be summarised as follows:
• A Responsible community tackling climate change, minimising its environmental footprint, delivering a more attractive natural landscape, improving biodiversity and promoting increased awareness of our surrounding environment.
• An Engaged community preserving the Chiselborough Conservation Area and village heritage and taking ownership of community assets for public benefit, supported by empowered local governance, community spirit, volunteering and neighbourliness.
• A Diverse and caring community where young families are able to stay in the community they grew up in and the elderly are housed and supported where they have lived, surrounded by companionship and adequate social assistance.
• A Dynamic community which encourages new residents who increase the range of skills and experience available in the community, bring investment, and support jobs.
How can I help?
We all have a part of play in improving our environment and delivering better social outcomes. If you believe in this vision and want to be a part of the future, then consider:
• How much time could you afford to volunteer per month – an hour, a morning, a day?
• What skills and experience do you have that could be useful? Cooking? Gardening? IT? Project management?
• What do you enjoy doing? Outdoors or indoors? Practical or intellectual?
• Would you like to take on a new activity as a challenge? Bell ringing? Tree planting?
• Is there an existing opportunity to volunteer? Yes, there are many! To discover more, click here
• Is there any demand for new social activities – ask around! Start something! You can publicise it here
• If you’d prefer less communal interaction, what could you do on an individual basis?
The best approach is JDI – Just Do It. It doesn’t matter how small or large your contribution, seen or unseen. Could you recycle more? Plant your garden to encourage bees? Install LED lighting or fit solar panels? Mow the Churchyard? Come along to Parish Council meetings? Cook for the Village Lunch? Offer a lift or ride share to local towns? Spend ten minutes chatting to a neighbour? Help to maintain the Parish lands or re-wild some of your own land? Become a Parish Councillor, contribute to Neighbourhood Watch, or volunteer at Norton Shop?
Whatever you can contribute – JDI.
Energy Crisis: As bills rocket, it’s a very good time to look at how we use electricity in our daily lives. The more efficient we are, the less energy we need, and the less we pay. Think about some useful ideas here
Looking out for our wild bees: Wild bee species are rapidly declining in numbers. Nigel Stone explains here how to ‘think bee’ when planning our gardens.
Autumn 2021: Chiselborough Church achieved a SILVER AROCHA eco-church award for their part of our climate emergency response. This is the result of a comprehensive audit of our buildings and land management, teaching and worship, community engagement and lifestyle. We are now working on our 5 year policy and implementation plan. Read all about it on HHV Green Future - Ham Hill Villages Benefice (
The Chiselborough Parish Environmental Champion is Nigel Stone, who can be contacted by email here. If you have an idea to improve our local environment, get in touch!