Chiselborough Parish Council

The aim of a Parish Council is to represent the interests of the whole community. It is a part of local government supporting the democratic process.

Chiselborough Parish Council (CPC) currently consists of five Councillors supported by the Clerk to the Council. CPC usually meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in the village hall, with the exception of January and August when there is no meeting. The Councillors can either be approached directly or through the Parish Clerk.

Roger Bulley


Dr Roger Bulley is Chairman of the Council and is also responsible for Highways and the management of Parish Land.

Tel: 881528

Jennifer Buckmaster

Deputy Chairman

Jennifer is Deputy Chair of the Parish Council and is also responsible for the village Common.

Tel: 882626

Alan Plom


Alan is responsible for liaising with the planning authorities and he processes all the planning applications received by CPC for comment. Alan is also responsible for monitoring relevant changes in legislation.

Adrian Pipe


Adrian is the councillor responsible for dealing with Rights Of Way matters around the village. Adrian is also responsible for communication within the Council and Burridge Copse.


Sarah Barnard


Sarah manages the social events portfolio in the village.


Martyn Hamlin

Clerk to The Parish Council

The role of Clerk is to ensure that the Council as a whole conducts its business properly and to provide independent, objective and professional advice and support.

M: 07966 364831 E: