Saving energy in our homes and our village
As bills rocket across many parts of the world, it’s a very good time to look at how we use electricity in our daily lives. The more efficient we are, the less energy we need, and the less we pay.
These ideas are thanks to Giki Zero — it’s a useful website with many practical tips, plus a fascinating free tool to calculate your carbon footprint.
Take shorter showers and change from shower gel to soap. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
Turn your thermostat down. Fit your radiators with reflectors. Turn radiators off in rooms you don’t use.
When you make your next hot drink, make sure to only boil the water you need.
When you turn on your dishwasher, try the eco settings.
Choose seasonal meat, fruit and veg. Buy local. Our website publishes a page of local independent shops recommended by fellow residents.
Cut back on cheese for a month.
Take a month off red meat.
And when you are cooking, try the microwave. Not only is it quicker, it is a lot more energy efficient than other forms of cooking.
Use lids when cooking on the hob.
Ditch the tumble dryer: When you get clothes out of the washing machine, why not try hanging them up to dry naturally, rather than use the tumble dryer.
Turn your devices off at the wall socket when they're not in use, rather than leave them on standby.
Recycle everything you can. Mend old clothes or take them to the charity shop.
Consider switching to an electric car and support the introduction of local electric charge points.
Join the village sustainability team! Contact Grant to add your support.