Chiselborough Flower Festival June 2023
Flower Festival: Many thanks to everyone who helped with the Flower Festival over the weekend. The church looked wonderful and we had many appreciative comments from the 160 people who visited. The imaginative interpretations of the theme of 'Holidays' were wide and varied and it never ceases to amaze us where you get your inspirations from. Over £300 was given which will help to fund the much needed Church Loo so thank you again to all who helped or visited or gave money and a special thanks to Cilla for playing the organ on Sunday which added to the atmosphere beautifully. —Louise Holloway
Chiselborough Flower Festival Teas: On behalf of the Village Hall I would like to say thank you for all the people who made the weekend a success, from the people who made cakes and scones, the people who served teas and cream teas, the people waiting on tables, the washer ups and drier ups, and any one else who helped. Thank You. —Tony Perry, Vice Chair
Many thanks to Roger Bulley and Tony Perry for photography. Simply click on any image to view it more closely.