Chiselborough Gospel Hall in the period 1952-1962: Recollections of Christmas as a child

by Caroline Hockey

The Chapel—now The Old Chapel—was run by Will and Elsie Gard, along with their daughter Marion, and Arthur Turner, ably assisted on the organ by Dot Sealy.

Several large families (I was one of seven), including the Stayner’s, Cornish’s and Marks’s, made up the attendance numbers. Every Christmas we had a tea party in the village hall which consisted of jelly, tinned fruit, cake and sandwiches. For weeks beforehand we each had to learn a recitation which we duly had to recite off by heart! I remember feeling very nervous but used to get lots of praise along with my siblings.

Elsie Gard always gave each of us a lighted candle to hold, they would switch off the lights and then we would sing together:

 Jesus bids us shine like a pure clear light,

 Like a little candle burning in the night.

 In this hour of darkness, so we must shine,

You in your small corner, and I in mine.

 —After which each child was presented with a book which showed our attendance through the year. I still have my book sitting in the bookcase! Such wonderful memories.

-by Caroline Hockey (née Marks)

Chiselborough Gospel Hall, Fair Place